Shawna Suckow

Sales and Marketing Keynote Speaker

I help humans and their companies to stand out, build trust, and be unforgettable to their prospects and customers.

Marketing | Sales | Consumer Behavior


What used to work in sales and marketing no longer does, and the changes will just keep coming.

For 15 years, I’ve been on a mission to help people and businesses understand shifting consumer behavior. My goal as a sales and marketing keynote speaker and consultant is to help you understand what’s truly going on out there so you can become–or remain–unforgettable and unstoppable in any economy (if you’re into that sort of thing).

Hire me as your keynote speaker, or work with me as your business consultant, and you’ll stay one step ahead during the most transformational decade in a century.

It’s kind of a big deal.

 Shawna Suckow – Keynote Sales & Marketing Speaker

Check out Shawna’s speaker demo reel

Looking for a keynote speaker with a corporate buyer background who knows exactly how to reach today’s evolving customers?

The ONLY sales & marketing speaker who speaks

from the prospect’s perspective?

We have to market and sell differently to stand out, build trust, and inspire action in a vastly changed world. Shawna knows, because she spent 15 years as a highly sought-after multi-million dollar prospect in Corporate America. She got so frustrated with the way she was sold and marketed AT, that she literally wrote the book on it. Her first book was aimed at sales and marketing professionals to give them a glimpse inside their buyers’ brains.

After working with Shawna, businesses are able to amplify their voice, their vision, and their brand by knowing exactly what is working right now so they no longer throw valuable resources at dead strategies.

If you’re looking to make a real impact in your industry and become (or remain) truly competitive, bring Shawna in to make sure you and your company have the strategy you need to propel you through the Tumultuous Twenties.

audience members



Cups of Tea


Keep your pipeline full during the rollercoaster decade!

It’s so challenging to get prospects to respond these days. They’re bombarded with messaging, short on time, and experts at ignoring outreach. Shawna knows, because as a former corporate buyer, she literally wrote the book on it. In fact, she’s the only Sales & Marketing expert who speaks from the prospect’s perspective to help you succeed.

In this session Shawna will discuss the Crisis of Trust we have in the world today, and how to overcome it quickly by revamping your approach and your personal brand as a sales professional. It matters more than you know, as prospects trust humans 98% more than companies today. It’s all based on the fact that our prospects are rapidly evolving, so old strategies won’t work the way they used to. Learn up-to-the-minute sales differentiation tools to surpass your goals in any economy. This really works!

The Marketing Mosaic©: Understand exactly how to stand out from the Sea of Sameness!

Iconic brands have spent millions to build a singular brand image. Today, however, repetition of a singular slogan or message doesn’t work. Neither do features, benefits, or logic. Consumers require an emotional connection to notice or care about your company through all the the post-pandemic, A.I.-heightened noise. Without that connection, you’re spinning your wheels, or competing just on price.

Enter the new Marketing Mosaic© strategy to help you rise above the competition to truly stand out in a media-saturated marketplace. It’s based on communicating in a new way with prospects and customers to get noticed, build trust and drive real results. Shawna will help you craft and deploy your unique Marketing Mosaic© to capture attention and build trust with today’s evolving prospects.

shawna's mosaic strategy marketing
Shawna Suckow describes her session called The Most Unique Closing Keynote Ever


Imagine a closing session where attendees are not passive listeners, but active participants. One that began with a recap of your conference theme and highlights, and then transitioned the audience from the typical passive group of listeners into active participants. A session that left them fired up, connected with new people one last time, and had them celebrating, laughing, and committing to taking action when they get back to the office – complete with new accountability to make sure it happens.

This is the most unique keynote you’ve ever seen. Really! Instead of your attendees sitting quietly for that last hour and then walking away, let’s fulfill their top two conference goals: new connections and new ideas. This session truly is the antidote to business (and conferences) as usual.

The purpose of your conference is to facilitate networking, drive home a message, and inspire your audience to actually take action when they return home, yes? Let’s give them the ROI they want, so they continue talking about your conference all year, because it changed them. Because instead of going back to the office and falling into old patterns as we so often do, they went back and took action.

Let’s close your conference with some insights, some great conversations, and some commitments to everyone’s future success. Sound good?

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Shawna’s Speaking Stuff

Visit this handy resource page that includes Shawna’s bio, A/V needs, etc. Everything a meeting planner could want (except a spa day and five or six personal assistants).

Shawna’s Calendar

Want to check Shawna’s availability without any fear of commitment? Email us, and we’ll get back to you lickety-split (we just reached our old-timey phrase quota for the month).

More Sessions and Info here:


Keynote Speaker Shawna Suckow has been featured on NBC, Fox, CBS, ABC, Forbes, Newsweek, and Skift

Coming soon…

the update to Shawna’s Forbes-recommended book focused on the second half of the transformational 2020s, for 2025 and beyond!

Feedback about my keynote speaking

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Let’s Zoom! But can we wear sweat pants and drink wine?